
Showing posts from March, 2023

1. Understand Machine/Computer

  1. Understand Machine/Computer What is Machine The computer is machine and machine is something that takes input, process and then give us output.  E.g. Water heater is machine which takes water as input and gives us hot water.  Sugarcane juice machine takes sugarcane and gives us Juice and waste as output.       Computer is also a machine that takes input from user and displays output on screen. But the heart of computer the CPU takes electricity as input and gives us back electricity.  We convert electricity into screen and show output.  Input to computer is given using Keyboard/mouse or other human operatable devices. These device convert human input to electricity and provide it as input to CPU.  Lot of hardware/software take place in between human and CUP.  Hiding the complexities of hardware from the user. Managing between the hardware's resources which include the processors, memory, data storage and I/O devices. Handling "interrupts" generated by the I/O control